COVID-19 has changed the shape of our world (not literally, of course—the earth is still a sphere). It has affected the way we view our surroundings, our neighbors, our economy, and our healthcare systems. Life and health seem more precious and fragile than ever. While maintaining a clean environment and adhering to social distancing recommendations are definitely the best ways to protect yourself from COVID-19, you might experience some separate health benefits if you turn on your favorite song. Why is that so? Let’s talk about how music can affect your health.
Music Gets You Moving
Research from the brains at Brunel University indicates that listening to music while you exercise could increase your endurance by up to 15%. The extra effort that your playlist helps you put into your workout can help you get in shape faster and experience increased overall benefits from your exercise. One of those benefits is a healthier immune system.
Plus, in addition to increasing your endurance, music might be the key to helping you get off the couch in the first place. After all, when your gym is closed, you can’t get together in-person with your workout buddies, and all the days blur together, you might need all the extra motivation you can get.
Music Boosts Your Mood
Various research studies have found that music can be effective emotional therapy. It can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. If you regularly listen to upbeat music, you might even find that you are happier overall. Sad music also has benefits. It can be the empathetic voice you need to hear when the world or your personal circumstances are getting you down.
Did you know that your emotional health is linked to your immune system? Keeping yourself hopeful and positive with the help of good tunes can boost your immunity. Take that, contagions.
Music Can Help You Diet
There is evidence to suggest that listening to calming music (and sitting in a dim room) while you eat can help you to consume less food in a single sitting. It can help you slow down, enjoy your food, and really take notice when your body tells you that you’ve had enough. Shedding excess weight may have all sorts of benefits for your overall health.
Sure, music isn’t technically “medicine,” and it won’t save the world from COVID-19, but it can definitely be part of how you stay healthy and fit!
A Word of Welcome
Did you like this first blog post? There’s more where that came from! This blog is where you’ll find exciting news about T-Pin Billy’s music career, insights into education and teaching, and useful tips to help you in your relationships and life in general. Basically, this is where T-Pin Billy and his crew can share whatever is on their mind. In the future, you can look forward to finding lots of wholesome, useful, and original content here. (If you are wondering who his “crew” is, that’s me—the woman who is madly in love with him and who loves to write. You can call me Bobby.)